FRENCH Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
Department Head: Colonel Carrico
All cadets who enter with two or more entrance units in a modern foreign language are given placement tests and are placed in appropriate courses on the basis of the test results combined with their previous high school language coursework, and after consultation with the department head of modern languages.
A single year of a foreign language shall count toward meeting graduation requirements only when the cadet is studying a second language or is taking a language as an elective.
Cadets must demonstrate proficiency in ML 101 in order to be admitted into ML 102. They must, similarly, demonstrate proficiency in ML 102 before enrolling in ML 201, and in ML 201 before enrolling in ML 202/204. Proficiency in ML 202/204 is a prerequisite for admission to 300-level courses. Completion of two 300-level courses or their equivalent is expected before enrollment in any 400 -level course. Once a cadet has completed work at the 202/204 level, he/she may not return to the elementary level course for credit.
Cadets who present four years of a high school language or demonstrate native or near-native language abilities may not enroll at the elementary level of that language. Such students will have the choice of enrolling either in the first semester intermediate level of that language or in the first semester elementary course of a different language.
• FR 405 - Independent Reading
• FR 406 - Independent Reading
• FR 421 - French Literature and Civilization I
• FR 425 - French Literature and Civilization II
• FR 430 - Introduction to Francophone Studies
• FR 435 - Advanced French Conversation
• FR 450 - Modern Language Capstone Course
• FR 455 - France Today
• FR 460 - Studies in French and Francophone Culture
• FR 470 - Special Topics in French
GEOLOGY Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department Head: Colonel Newhouse
Requirements for a major in Civil Engineering are specified in Civil and Environmental Engineering .
• GE 306 - Engineering Geology
• GE 306L - Engineering Geology Lab
GERMAN Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
Department Head: Colonel Carrico
All cadets who enter with two or more entrance units in a modern foreign language are given placement tests and are placed in appropriate courses on the basis of the test results combined with their previous high school language coursework, and after consultation with the department head of modern languages.
A single year of a foreign language shall count toward meeting graduation requirements only when the cadet is studying a second language or is taking a language as an elective.
Cadets must demonstrate proficiency in ML 101 in order to be admitted into ML 102. They must, similarly, demonstrate proficiency in ML 102 before enrolling in ML 201, and in ML 201 before enrolling in ML 202/204. Proficiency in ML 202/204 is a prerequisite for admission to 300-level courses. Completion of two 300-level courses or their equivalent is expected before enrollment in any 400 -level course. Once a cadet has completed work at the 202/204 level, he/she may not return to the elementary level course for credit.
Cadets who present four years of a high school language or demonstrate native or near-native language abilities may not enroll at the elementary level of that language. Such students will have the choice of enrolling either in the first semester intermediate level of that language or in the first semester elementary course of a different language.
• GR 303W - Introduction to Contemporary German Culture I
• GR 304W - Introduction to Contemporary German Culture II
• GR 307 - Literature Survey (1100-1700)
• GR 308 - Literature From the Enlightenment to Revolution
• GR 316 - Topics in German
• GR 329 - Soldiers, Orders and War: Views from Central Europe
• GR 330X - Satire in Germany – Empire, War, Republic 1900-1933
• GR 331X - The Resistance in Nazi Germany: The Best and Brightest and the “Oath-Breakers”
• GR 332X - From Wehrmacht to Bundeswehr: A Tradition Destroyed and Rebuilt
• GR 333X - In the Shadow of the Berlin Wall: Germany from Cold War to Reunification, 1961-1990
• GR 405 - Seminar in German Literature I
• GR 406 - Seminar in German Literature II
• GR 411 - Vienna, Berlin, and Between: Germany and Austria From 1911-1950
• GR 412 - Germans on Both Sides of the Iron Curtain
• GR 413 - Germany and the Military
• GR 420W - Advanced Conversation and Composition
• GR 421 - Immigration to and From Germany Since 1850
• GR 450 - Modern Language Capstone Course
HISTORY Department of History
Department Head: Colonel M. Houston Johnson
Requirements for a major in history are specified in History .
• HI 103 - World History I
• HI 104 - World History II
• HI 200 - Introduction to Historical Methods
• HI 205 - History of the United States I
• HI 206 - History of the United States II
• HI 210-299 - Special Courses
• HI 223 - Islam in North America and Western Europe
• HI 300 - United States Constitutional History
• HI 301 - Ancient Egypt
• HI 302 - Ancient Greece
• HI 303 - Ancient Rome
• HI 304 - The Medieval World
• HI 305 - Jacksonian America
• HI 306 - Religion and Warfare in Nineteenth Century United States History
• HI 307 - English History I
• HI 308 - English History II
• HI 309 - History of the Holocaust
• HI 310 - War and Society in Modern China
• HI 311 - History of the Cold War
• HI 312 - Introduction to the History of Islam
• HI 313 - The United States, 1900-1945
• HI 314 - The United States Since 1945
• HI 315 - The History of Everyday Life (M)
• HI 316 - Food and Hunger in History
• HI 317 - The Great Depression and the New Deal (M)
• HI 318 - George C. Marshall and the American Century (M)
• HI 319 - African American Experience (M)
• HI 320 - The Progressive Era (M)
• HI 321 - The Old South
• HI 322 - The Civil War and Reconstruction
• HI 323 - History of the South From 1865
• HI 324 - American Foreign Relations to 1919
• HI 325 - American Foreign Relations Since 1919
• HI 326 - 19th Century South Africa: War, Cross and Gold (M)
• HI 327 - India From the Age of the Harrapans to the Present Day
• HI 328 - British Imperialism
• HI 329 - War and Society in Twentieth Century United States History
• HI 330 - Topics in Ancient History (M)
• HI 331 - Colonial America (M)
• HI 332 - North American Indians
• HI 333 - History of the Middle East I
• HI 334 - History of the Middle East II
• HI 335 - The Vietnam War
• HI 336 - The U.S.–Mexico Borderlands
• HI 337 - Quantitative History
• HI 344 - Conflict and Environment
• HI 346 - Modern Japan
• HI 347 - Africa in Pre-Modern Times, to 1850
• HI 348 - Africa in Modern Times, 1700 to Present
• HI 349 - A History of South Africa
• HI 350 - French Revolution and Napoleon
• HI 355 - Grand Strategy in the Twentieth Century
• HI 357 - History of Imperial China
• HI 359 - China in the Communist Era (1949-Present)
• HI 361 - The Age of Blood and Iron. Europe, 1871-1918
• HI 365 - France and the French Empire 1815 to the Present
• HI 368 - Europe, 1919-1939
• HI 369 - Race, Gender and Sexuality in Colonial Latin America
• HI 370 - Political Violence in the United States to 1877
• HI 371 - Climate and Human History (M)
• HI 372 - Reading Course for Honors (M)
• HI 373 - Colonial Latin America
• HI 374 - Modern Latin America
• HI 375 - Germany and Eastern Europe From Bismarck to Brandt
• HI 377 - Insurgency and Terrorism (M)
• HI 378 - European Warfare, 1600-1871
• HI 379 - European Warfare Since 1871
• HI 380 - Europe in Renaissance and Reformation (M)
• HI 381 - Humanity’s War on Nature
• HI 382 - Modern Russian History
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