2020 Summer Session Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PY 160* - General Physics I Instructor: COL Stacia K. Vargas Location: Online Asynchronoua See Details Below Credit Hours: 3
This calculus based course constitutes a general course in physics covering the topics of mechanics, heat, sound, light, and electricity and magnetism, and optics. Prerequisite(s): MA 123. Corequisite(s): PY 155
Remote Summer Session I Delivery Method: Asynchronous
- The course will be taught Asynchronous. PowerPoint Slides with voice over lectures will be provided as well as example problems with voice over. All materials and instructions will be posted on Canvas. In addition practice quizzes will be offered on Canvas.
Student conferences and office hours will be available on Zoom or using Conference in Canvas. Students should be able to create a PDF file of their work using an app of their choice (JotNot, ScanBot, etc) to submit work on Canvas.
Software needs: None
Textbook: Physics for Scientist and Engineers 4th edition by Giancoli
Final Exam: June 18th 1 - 4 p.m.