2020 Summer Session Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PS 318 - Introduction to Counseling and Psychotherapy Instructor: COL Glenn R. Sullivan Location: Online Asynchronous See Details Below Credit Hours: 3
An overview of the major concepts of contemporary therapeutic systems and an introduction to the elements of effective counseling and psychotherapy. Empirical evaluation of treatment outcomes is emphasized. Research, legal, and ethical issues are examined. Students will learn basic counseling and communication skills through lecture, demonstration, and experiential exercises. Prerequisite(s): PS 201 with a minimum grade of C
Remote Summer Session I Delivery Method: Asynchronous
Lectures will be recorded and posted to YouTube, with links sent to cadets. Links to additional videos will be sent to cadets. Discussion board via Canvas. “Office hours” with instructor via doxy.me/drglennsullivan will be offered a minimum of 3 times per week. No special equipment required.
Textbook: Phillip R. Slavney (2005). Psychotherapy: An Introduction for Psychiatry Residents and Other Mental Health Trainees. Johns Hopkins University Press. https://www.amazon.com/Psychotherapy-Introduction-Psychiatry-Residents-Trainees/dp/0801880963/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=slavney&qid=1586813250&s=books&sr=1-2 Bruce Fink (2017). A Clinical Introduction to Freud: Techniques for Everyday Practice. W.W. Norton. https://www.amazon.com/Clinical-Introduction-Freud-Techniques-Everyday/dp/039371196X/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=clinical+introduction+to+freud&qid=1586813295&s=books&sr=1-1
Final Exam: June 18th 1 - 4 p.m.