Jan 19, 2025
2019-2020 Academic Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Chemistry, B.A.
B.A. Curriculum
Synopsis indicates core requirements for this degree. Demonstrated proficiency of two years of a foreign language is required. Chemistry B.A. majors are also required to complete either (1) a minor in another department, or (2) a Concentration in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Among the more popular focus areas are the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) Concentration and the Business Minor . Synopsis of the B.A. Curriculum in Chemistry
Total Semester Hrs: 17.5 - 18
Total Semester Hrs: 17.5 - 18
Total Hours: minimum 136
* Minimum Grade of C Required
1 Twelve semester hours of electives must be in the Humanistic-Social area. In addition to demonstrating proficiency in a foreign language, cadets must complete 6 credit hours of cultures and civilization courses (study abroad may be substituted for 3 hours) and 3 credit hours of Leadership in Organizations.
2 A two-semester sequence of core-curriculum approved science and laboratory. The specific course may be determined by the chosen concentration area.
3 Concentration Electives are determined by the chosen minor/concentration/or certification. The chosen field may require use of free electives to complete.