The VMI Summer Session facilitates cadet progression toward degree completion by offering courses for academic credit during the summer, consistent with the Academic Program Mission. The program is designed to enhance cadet retention, to optimize graduation rates, to provide opportunities for cadets to enrich their education, and to enable cadets to attend the Summer Session and also attend ROTC summer camps, engage in internships, and earn income. It provides the opportunity for cadets to meet curricular, scholarship, athletic, or readmission standards, by enabling them to earn credit for subjects in which they stand deficient or by receiving credit for courses in advance of their class. Summer study allows cadets to broaden their education by earning a double major or minor and facilitates transfer from one curriculum to another. In addition to traditional course offerings the Summer Session also administers the Summer Undergraduate Research Institute, the Summer Study Abroad Program, and the Summer Transition Program. VMI cadets, graduates of accredited secondary schools, and students in good standing at other colleges may attend. High school students who have been promoted to the twelfth grade and have the written approval of their principal are also eligible to attend. For details about scheduling and other admission requirements, please contact the Director of the Summer Session, 306 Shell Hall.