Feb 07, 2025  
2022 Summer Session Catalogue 
2022 Summer Session Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tuition and Fees

NOTICE:  Tuition and fees are based upon appropriations by the General Assembly. These appropriations are subject to state revenue collections and may be reduced or increased by the Governor. The VMI Board of Visitors approves tuition and fees at their May meeting applicable to the following summer and regular sessions, but reserves the right to adjust tuition and fees at any time during the year. Students shall be dismissed from the Summer Session (and, in the case of cadets, from the Institute) for failure to pay tuition and fees or any other financial obligation to the Institute as required. In addition, the Institute reserves the right to hold grades, credits, transcripts, and diplomas until all financial obligations to the Institute have been satisfied.

  • All fees for the first summer session must be paid by noon on Wednesday, May 18th.
  • All fees for the second summer session must be paid by noon on Friday, June 24th. 
  • All fees for the Summer Transition Program must be paid by 3 p.m. on Friday, June 10th. 

VMI will not bill parents or students. Cadet Accounting accepts payment for Summer Session tuition and fees by cash, check, E-check, or credit card (MasterCard, VISA, Discover, and American Express only). If a credit card is used a 2.6% convenience fee will be assessed. 

You are not registered and cannot attend classes until all fees are paid. After the payment/registration deadline students with unpaid fees will be dropped from class rolls risking losing a seat in the course(s). Late registration, reinstatement of classes due to missing the payment deadline, or changing classes (not due to course cancellations) after this deadline will require a visit to the Summer Session Office and a $70 late registration fee will be assessed.

Summer Session Fees

NOTE:  The 2022 tuition and fees listed below are subject to final approval by the VMI Board of Visitors at their May meeting.

In-State Tuition per credit hour: $350
Out-of-State Tuition per credit hour: $1,080
Late registration fee $70
Room and Board Plans [per five-week term]  
  Room and board (5 meals per week)  
  (lunch, Mon-Fri) $1,040
  Room and board (10 meals per week)  
  (lunch/dinner, Mon-Fri) $1,330
  *Room and board (15 meals per week)  
  (breakfast/lunch/dinner, Mon-Fri) $1,510
Meal Plans Only [per five-week term]  
  Meals only (5 meals per week)  
     (lunch, Mon-Fri) $320
  Meals only (10 meals per week)  
     (lunch/dinner, Mon-Fri) $610
  *Meals only (15 meals per week)  
     (breakfast/lunch/dinner, Mon-Fri) $790
**Auxiliary Fee $75
On-post parking Fee (flat fee covers entire summer session) $40
***Barracks Security Deposit (refundable) $100

Summer Transition Program

In-State Tuition per credit hour: $390
Out-of-State Tuition per credit hour: $1210
Room and Board Plan  
  (Room plus 19 meals - breakfast/lunch/dinner Mon-Fri & brunch/dinner Sat-Sun) $1,376
***Barracks Security Deposit (refundable $100
On-Post Parking Fee (per session) $40
**Auxiliary Fee $135
Late Registration Fee $70

*Offered only if 25 or more students enroll in the 15 meals per week plan.

**The auxiliary fee covers medical services and use of athletic facilities.  All students attending VMI summer session will be assessed an auxiliary fee.

***The barracks security deposit shall be refunded without interest, less any amount for fines or damages, at the end of the session to all non-VMI cadets. VMI cadet deposits from the regular session will apply to the summer session and are refundable upon graduation or termination of the cadetship.

Fees for study abroad programs are listed in the “Study Abroad” section of this catalog.      

In accordance with the Senior Citizens Higher Education Act of 1974, qualifying senior citizens are not required to pay tuition.

Refund Policy

Tuition is refundable in part only upon official notice of withdrawal to the Director of the VMI Summer Session. Tuition will be refunded in full prior to the end of the drop/add period. After the drop/add period, but prior to the 7th day of classes, 25% of tuition will be refunded. Tuition will not be refunded on or after May 31st for Summer Session I, and July 5th for Summer Session II. 

Charges for meals will be refunded on a pro rata basis. Parking fees are refundable only if registration is cancelled prior to the beginning of classes. The refund policy for study abroad programs can be found in the “Summer Study Abroad” section of this catalog. Exceptions to the refund policy are made only in extraordinary circumstances. Appeals may be made to the Tuition Appeals Committee upon written request to the VMI Comptroller, no later than 60 days after withdrawal from the course or Summer Session.

Room and Board

Students have the option of living in barracks or in Lexington and the surrounding area during the Summer Session. Because of summer maintenance and repairs, a room in barracks is not guaranteed. All available rooms will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Students should be aware that maintenance and repairs might lead to disruptions in barracks life.  High school students that are registered for summer session courses/programs are not permitted to reside in barracks.

Visitors are not allowed in barracks (exceptions may be made by the Commandant’s Office or the Director of the Summer Session). Students living in barracks are required to keep their rooms clean and in good order. Rooms are subject to inspection at any time by Institute officials and will be inspected at the end of each term to see that they are clean and in good order.

Students living in barracks during the Summer Session must pay a security deposit of $100.00 or, in the case of cadets, have that amount in their accounts. The security deposit is due prior to occupancy in barracks. After a VMI official has inspected the room at the end of the term, the security deposit will be refunded without interest, less any sum required for repairs, cleaning, and fines. PLEASE NOTE: leaving at the end of a term without cleaning the room and without properly checking out of barracks will result in forfeiture of all or part of the security deposit for all occupants of the room.

The barracks are used to house other programs during the summer. Participants in those programs will be assigned to live in designated sections of barracks. The areas designated for these programs are off limits to all students who are not participants.

Students have the option of living in barracks or in Lexington and the surrounding area during the Summer Session.

Summer Session II Students, who have registered and paid for a room in Barracks, may move-in between 1300 and 1900 hours on Sunday, June 26.  Please report (check-in) with MAJ Corey Bachman (POC). If for an extenuating circumstance- you will be moving in later – please notify MAJ Bachman in advance.

Students living in barracks must purchase a meal plan. Four plans are available for Summer Session students: 5 meals (lunch, Mon.-Fri.), 10 meals (lunch and dinner, Mon.-Fri.), 15 meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Mon.-Fri.), and 19 meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner Mon.-Fri. & brunch and dinner Sat.-Sun.).  If less than 25 people sign up for the 19 meal plan during Summer Session (not STP) it will be cancelled.


Breakfast: 6:30-7:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Dinner: 6:00-7:00 p.m.


Brunch: 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Dinner: 6:00-7:00pm

Only students who have purchased a meal plan will be allowed to enter the mess hall. Note that the 5,10 and 15 meal plans are restrictive. The 5 meal plan is lunch only, the 10 meal plan is lunch and dinner only, the 15 meal plan is breakfast, lunch and dinner during the weekdays only. In other words, you cannot purchase the 5 meal plan and eat breakfast one day instead of a lunch. There are no provisions for purchasing individual meals.