Feb 10, 2025  
2013 Summer Session Catalogue 
2013 Summer Session Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

The Academic Program

The academic policy of the Summer Session parallels regular VMI academic policy and the same standards of instruction and performance are maintained. Instructors are usually members of the VMI faculty. Final grade reports are posted electronically and are also mailed to the home of record of all non-cadets. Final transcripts are sent to colleges, high schools, employers, and others only upon written request. Transcript Request Forms are available in the Registrar’s Office, 303 Shell Hall at a cost of $5.00 per transcript.

Courses taken by a cadet and grades earned in the VMI Summer Session will be recorded on the cadet’s transcript. Only grades of D or higher will be included in a cadet’s cumulative grade point average (GPA). A cadet may request that a grade of D earned in the Summer Session not be counted toward graduation and thus not be included in his or her GPA or hours earned. This request will be approved only if it is received by the Registrar before the end of the drop/add period of the semester following that Summer Session (see VMI Regulations, “Summer Session at VMI”). If a student withdraws from a course prior to the 16th class day, the instructor will assign a grade of “W.”

If a student withdraws from a course on or after the 16th day of a term, the instructor will assign a grade of “W” or “WF” based on the student’s grades at that time. A student can not withdraw from a course after the 19th day of classes.

Class Attendance

The intensive nature of Summer Session work requires class attendance. Only the Director or the Deputy Director of the Summer Session may excuse a student from class. In case of serious illness or an emergency, the Director may waive the attendance rule. Students are responsible for all class assignments, supplementary readings, and lecture material. A grade of zero may be assigned for work missed because of unexcused absences. Instructors will keep attendance records and a student will be assigned a “W” or “WF” when his or her absences, whether excused or not, equal fifteen per cent of the class or laboratory periods. A student who has been withdrawn from all courses will not be eligible to attend classes or use any VMI facilities.

Final Examinations

Final examinations for both terms of the Summer Session will be administered according to the following schedule. Changes may be made only under extenuating circumstances or emergencies and must be approved by the Director of the Summer Session.

First Day of Final Exams (1st term, June 20; 2nd term, July 24)

8:00 – 11:00 a.m. — Reading time
1:00 – 4:00 p.m. — All classes that began at 7:30 a.m.

Second Day of Final Exams (1st term, June 21; 2nd term, July 25)

8:00 – 11:00 a.m. — All classes that began at 9:45 a.m.
1:00 – 4:00 p.m. — All classes that began at 12:30 p.m.

All STP exams will be conducted from 8:00 - 11:00 on Friday, July 26th. Note there is no exam for ERH-101.

VMI Summer Transition Program

The VMI Summer Transition Program (STP) is designed to improve both the academic and physical abilities of incoming cadets. Only individuals who will be attending VMI in the fall as new cadets are eligible to participate. The STP begins on July 1st  and ends on July 26th. A detailed description and an application for the VMI Summer Transition Program is available on the VMI website. (See the “Summer Transition Program ” section of this catalog for a list of courses).

Student Conduct

Students enrolled in the Summer Session are required to pursue their studies within VMI regulations. Willful disruption of the educational process, destruction of property, interference with the orderly process of the Institute, or interference with the rights or privileges of others will not be tolerated. Students enrolled in the Summer Session assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the regulations of VMI–their actions directly reflect on VMI and they should conduct themselves as responsible adults.

For improper student conduct, (i.e., conduct which discredits or injures the reputation of the Institute in any way), officials of the Institute may impose penalties. Penalties may include admonition, oral and written reprimand, probation, restitution, monetary fines, rescission of privileges, forfeiture of fees, dismissal from the Summer Session term, dismissal from the Summer Session as a whole, or other corrective action deemed appropriate by the Commandant or the Director of the Summer Session. In the case of cadets or students who have received appointments to VMI, serious misconduct during the summer session could result in punishment that carries over to the subsequent fall semester in the form of Blue Book penalties. Penalties for the severest forms of misconduct may include suspension or dismissal from the Institute.

General Regulations

Generally, conduct which subjects a student to disciplinary action includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Failure to abide by published regulations or to obey a just order from an Institute official.
  2. Physical abuse of any person or conduct that threatens or endangers the health of any person.
  3. Harassment, in any form and at any time or place. VMI complies fully with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Violations involving alleged sexual harassment should be reported to a Summer Session official or to the IG office.
  4. Damage to the property of the Institute or to the property of students, faculty, staff, or visitors. In addition to disciplinary sanctions, offenders may be charged for damages.
  5. Unauthorized entry into, or use of, Institute facilities.
  6. Intentional disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures, or other Institute activities.
  7. Possession of firearms or weapons on Post (including BB guns, pellet guns, air pistols, bows and arrows, slingshots, and switchblades or knives with blades of over three inches in length).
  8. Possession of explosives and fireworks on Post.
  9. Consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages on Post. Any Summer Session alcohol offense on Post may result in dismissal from the Summer Session.
  10. Violation of the Virginia Code that controls drugs and alcohol. Illegal drugs may not be used or possessed. Violators will be dismissed from the Summer Session. In addition, VMI cadet violators may be dismissed from VMI.
  11. Inappropriate dress, lewd or obscene behavior, or public nudity in any form on or off Post.
  12. Violation of Institute policies or regulations, including rules concerning the use of Institute facilities.
  13. Violation of regulations pertaining to the operation and parking of motor vehicles on Post. Students riding bicycles on Post must obey all traffic laws.
  14. Use of skateboards, roller blades, roller skates, scooters, or similar equipment on Post.
  15. Alteration, fabrication, or misuse of Institute documents and records or like acts which adversely affect the educational interests and mission of the Institute.
  16. Any violation of federal, state, or local law if such directly affects the Institute.
  17. Debts: Students eighteen years of age or older are legally responsible for all debts and contractual obligations they incur. Failure to pay any valid indebtedness promptly is cause for dismissal from the Summer Session and the Institute if the offender is a cadet.
  18. Practicing golf on Post.
  19. Walking or engaging in athletic activities on the football field.
  20. Living on post or consuming meals without previously paying the appropriate fees may lead to prosecution for an honor offense.

NOTE: Other parts of this catalog, especially the “Appendix ,” contain more detailed explanations and additional rules, regulations, and guidelines. Students are expected to be knowledgeable about them when they enroll.

The Honor Code

The Honor Code is the heart of the VMI system. Honor, like many idealistic concepts, defies exact definition. The honor system at VMI is not so much a set of rules—although rules are published and distributed to every cadet—as it is a way of living. Lying, cheating, and stealing are considered violations of the Honor Code. Any work submitted by a student is considered to be the student’s own work and that he or she has received no unauthorized help.

During the regular session the Honor Code is enforced and guarded by the Corps. Alleged violations are prosecuted by the Honor Court and heard by a jury of cadets selected at random from the Corps. During the Summer Session alleged violations will be heard by a Board of Inquiry made up of Summer Session students, faculty, and administrative personnel. Findings are reported to the Superintendent.

During the Summer Session, only students participating in the meal plans are permitted to eat in the Mess Hall. Eating or drinking food provided for the plan without prior payment is a violation of the Honor Code. Participants are permitted to eat all that they want in the dining facility during the scheduled meal time. Taking large amounts of food or drink from the dining facility to consume later in the day is not permitted as doing so would be equivalent to getting two meals for the price of one and would not be in the spirit of the Honor Code. Those participating in the meal plan will be allowed to leave the dining facility with no more than 16 ounces of drink, one piece of fruit, and an ice cream cone. Residing anywhere on Post, other than as guests in the residence of staff and faculty, is also considered a violation of the Honor Code.

All students enrolled in the VMI Summer Session, including those in the study abroad programs, will abide by the Honor Code. Students found guilty of lying, cheating, or stealing will be dismissed. Students are honor-bound to report to the Director of the Summer Session any violation or any suspicion of a violation of the Honor Code. Failure to report suspected violations, under the VMI Honor Code, is also an honor violation. For more information about the Honor Code, please consult the “Appendix .”

Dress and Appearance

Although relaxed grooming standards are authorized during the Summer Session, a neat personal appearance will be required of all Summer Session students. Appropriate dress for men consists of shoes, jeans or slacks, dress shorts, and shirts with sleeves designed for outer garment wear. Appropriate dress for women consists of shoes, jeans, slacks, skirts, dresses, dress shorts, and blouses with sleeves designed for outer garment wear. Garments may not be cut off, excessively frayed, or perforated. Both men and women are expected to wear either shoes or sandals. Gym shorts and sweat pants are not considered appropriate for either men or women. Students may not wear caps (or other headgear), use tobacco, or consume food or drink in classrooms. With the exception of females, who are authorized to wear earrings, students are not allowed to wear body piercing adornments or articles while on post. Men are expected to be clean shaven. These standards apply to students from other colleges as well as to VMI cadets. Corrections will be made if necessary and probation or dismissal may result for continued violation of the dress standards.

Motor Vehicles

A student enrolled in the VMI Summer Session may keep or park a motor vehicle on post only if the parking fee is paid and the vehicle is properly registered with the VMI Police. Vehicles must be parked in designated areas only (for more information on parking regulations, please consult the “Appendix ”).

Failure to properly register a motor vehicle or to park in designated parking areas shall result in the student losing the privilege of parking the motor vehicle on Post. Improper parking will result in fines or the motor vehicle being towed to a privately owned storage facility off Post. The owner of the towed vehicle shall be responsible for paying all towing fees and/or storage fees charged by the towing company. The location of towed vehicles can be ascertained by calling the VMI Police (464-7017).


All VMI academic and recreational facilities are in operation during the Summer Session. The Military Store and bookstore are open at specified times for cash and credit card sales. The VMI Hospital will have limited sick call hours on weekdays only. Also available for research purposes is the George C. Marshall Research Library. During the Summer Session, the VMI laundry is not in operation.

Recreational and Cultural Opportunities

The City of Lexington is a pleasant setting for summer study. The VMI Post is designated a Historic Landmark and within walking distance there are many attractions that each year draw thousands of tourists to the area. The Lime Kiln Theater offers excellent plays and concerts each summer. The area surrounding Lexington is also appealing. Within a few minutes’ drive of VMI is Goshen Pass, a beautiful gorge carved into the mountains by the Maury River. The pass has many well-maintained picnic areas and hiking trails. The Maury, with quiet pools for swimming, also provides white water that makes tubing a favorite student sport. Equally close for hiking and camping is the Appalachian Trail, which parallels the Blue Ridge Parkway and Skyline Drive. On the VMI Post are running and jogging trails, a gymnasium with basketball courts, a swimming pool, an indoor track, a well-equipped weight room, and racquetball courts.