Feb 09, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Biology, B.A.

The B.A. degree in biology is designed to give the student a solid background in the biological and natural sciences while maintaining the flexibility for the student to pursue coursework in areas of interest or pursue a second major or multiple minors.  The required introductory sequence provides the fundamental background in biology to move into the upper-level courses.  The four, Core Areas allow flexibility in selecting courses while providing a breadth of background. The Core Areas emphasize ecological or biological diversity concepts, anatomy, organismal functioning, and cellular functioning.  The additional 14 hours of biology course work allow a student to focus on one or several of these core areas.  Students pursuing a B.A. degree are required to demonstrate proficiency in a modern language through the 200-level.  Students wishing to have a study abroad experience may find that the B.A. degree program offers the flexibility to incorporate that learning experience into their degree program.

B.A. Curriculum

Common Core Course Requirements

All B.A. biology majors are required to complete the following courses:

Core Area Electives


Additional Hours

Additional hours (14) must be selected from any area within the biology curriculum except for research hours to total a minimum of 43 hours in biology. In addition to the biology courses, B.A. majors must complete a math sequence (MA 106 /MA 126  or MA 123 /MA 124 ) and show proficiency in a foreign language through the 200 level. Cadets in the B.A. major must complete either two semesters of organic chemistry with lab (CH 223  and CH 229 CH 224  and CH 230 ) or General Physics I and II (PY 120  and PY 155 PY 121  and PY 156 ). To broaden the education, six credits of any English, rhetoric, and humanistic studies (ERH) courses above the 100 level are required. Additionally, 12 non-science elective (LA) credits must be completed in either English, rhetoric, and humanistic studies (ERH), history, economics, business, psychology, international studies and political science, or modern languages. The remainder (9) of the 136 hours required for graduation can be taken from any department on post.

Additional Core Curriculum Requirements

All B.S. and B.A. biology majors are also required to satisfy four additional Core Curriculum requirements:

  1. Two writing intensive courses must be taken with one in the biology major.
  2. Two Civilizations and Cultures courses (6 credits).
  3. LEAD 344 Leadership in Organizations  

Synopsis of the B.A. Curriculum in Biology


Fourth (Freshman) Class


Third (Sophomore) Class


Second (Junior) Class


First (Senior) Class


Total Semester Hrs: 17.5

Total Semester Hrs: 18

Total Hours: minimum 136

# Cadets who complete Organic Chemistry I & II and labs (9 credits) may reduce the free elective requirement by one hour.
* Minimum Grade of C Required.
Proficiency through 200 level language is required.